Insurance Paperwork

Is It Better to Work With An Insurance Agency or An Independent Broker?

When it comes to shopping for insurance, there is no shortage of options. You can choose to purchase various insurance types directly through a company, work with an independent broker to find the best rates or rely on working with big companies like Geico, Progressive or State Farm.

With so many options to choose from, people wonder if it’s better to work with an independent insurance agent or a larger entity? Does it change depending on the type of insurance? Below we’ve highlighted a variety of insurance types and which type of broker or company is best.

Health Insurance: Independent Broker

The Affordable Care Act has made it possible for more people to have access to health insurance. There are many benefits of finding the right policy, including lower premiums due to receiving tax credits or subsidies. However, there are also downsides of dealing with the new exchanges.

Like shopping for regular insurance, you can work with an independent broker or a larger company. In this case, research shows that independent brokers provide the best assistance for purchasing health insurance while big companies have a slightly lower satisfaction rate.

If you find your own coverage through an exchange, it’s important to work with a broker who can thoroughly explain all of the details and help you get signed up correctly.

Auto Insurance: Independent Broker

Auto insurance is a product that most people need and many purchase directly from a bigger company. Since there are so many options to choose from, people have different preferences based on the type of policy they’re looking for.

While working with a larger company often means less paperwork, it also means you’ll get access to fewer discounts. When you work with an independent broker, it’s likely you’ll receive more discounts. If you’re willing to work with an independent insurance broker in your area, you will likely be offered lower rates compared to larger companies.

Home Insurance: Larger Company

Despite the fact that many people feel at ease working with an independent broker, when it comes to home insurance most people say they’re satisfied with a larger company.

There are many reasons why working with a big company is beneficial for your policy, including their extensive experience in the field and network of companies they work with. However, some people prefer working with brokers because you’ll typically get more personalized support.

Life Insurance: Independent Broker

When it comes to life insurance, most people are interested in purchasing a policy that can protect their family’s financial future. It’s also common for individuals to have existing policies through their workplace or group affiliations. Unfortunately, these types of policies are often restrictive and don’t offer the type of coverage you need.

Life insurance can be an important part of your financial plan, which makes it essential to work with a licensed agent. When you purchase life insurance through an independent broker, you have the freedom to choose which policy is best for your family’s future. For this reason, most people are satisfied when working directly with an agent.


No matter what types of insurance you’re interested in, you can work with an independent insurance broker near you or big companies to find the best rates. In most cases, having access to a variety of options is beneficial because it allows individuals to choose the type of coverage they want. This can be especially helpful when dealing with more complicated policy details.

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